Potential Revenue Measure

Yuba City’s current sales tax rate is the state minimum 7.25%. Of that 7.25%, Yuba City receives 1%; the remainder goes to the State’s general fund and County public safety, realignment and transportation funds. Out of the 180+ cities in California with a population over 50,000, Yuba City is one of only eight cities that are still at the minimum 7.25% rate.

Facts about a potential 1% Yuba City-wide additional revenue measure:

  • It would allow local control over local funds for local needs
  • The 1% additional would yield approximately $17.5 million per year
  • Part of the tax would be paid by shoppers and visitors from other communities
  • No funds can be taken by the State. All funds must stay local to fund local services and programs.
  • Essential purchases such as groceries and prescription medicine are exempt from the tax
  • Accountability requirements can be included, such as an independent citizens’ oversight committee, financial audits and yearly reports to the community to ensure that all funds are spent as promised

In early 2023, the City Council created a Revenue Ad Hoc Committee, comprised of Mayor Shon Harris and Councilmember Marc Boomgaarden, to explore a potential November 2024 revenue measure and define priorities. A Citizen Committee, comprised of 17 Yuba City community stakeholders, was also brought together through a number of meetings to provide input to the Revenue Ad Hoc Committee.

The City’s identified priorities for potential revenue measure funding including:

  • Roads - tackling the $150 million in deferred maintenance on our local roads
  • Fire - maintaining existing fire department staffing levels after short-term grants expire and replacing Fire Station 1 to accommodate two engine companies
  • Homelessness - increasing homelessness response efforts by police and creating a city-wide “Clean Team” to quickly and efficiently address vagrants and squatters; remove debris and graffiti; and support small businesses
  • Police - transitioning the Walton/Happy Park service area from the Sutter County Sheriff’s Department to Yuba City Police
  • Support County services that directly affect Yuba City resident’s safety, such as:
    • Sheriff’s Department – Dedicated Homeless Liaison Officer, jail staffing and infrastructure, and an additional Court Bailiff
    • District Attorney’s Office – additional prosecutors, competitive pay
    • Public Defender
    • Roads – repair of County roads that most directly affect Yuba City residents

    If a revenue measure is approved, an independent Citizen Oversight Committee will be established. The committee will be comprised of Yuba City residents and will meet as needed, but at least once per year, to review and provide a summary report and recommendations to the City Council and the community regarding the revenue collected and expenditures made.

    If you are interested in being considered for the Citizen Oversight Committee, please email [email protected]
Yuba City and Sutter County Joint Meeting

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