Public Works

Welcome to the Public Works Department

Public Works provides essential services for infrastructure and utilities throughout the City of Yuba City on a daily basis. Responsibilities include design, construction, operation, maintenance, and improvement in the following areas:

• Administration •Laboratory
• Electrical-Instrumentation •Street Maintenance
• Engineering                                  • Water Distribution
•Environmental Compliance • Water Treatment
• Facility Maintenance         • Wastewater Collection
• Fleet Maintenance         • Wastewater Treatment

The Public Works Department strives to provide quality service on every project, every day.  We hope that our ongoing contributions and improvements to the City will continue to make Yuba City a great place to live, work, and play.


Water Conservation Measures Reduced from Stage 3 to Stage 1: Mandatory Water Restrictions Have Been Lifted

We are pleased to announce that on April 18, 2023, City Council lifted mandatory conservation measures from Stage 3 "Severe Shortage" to Stage 1 "Water Alert" of the Water Shortage Contingency Plan for all Yuba City customers. This stage eliminates mandatory restrictions and conservation percentage targets, but still prohibits unnecessary water waste.

While drought conditions in 2022 significantly reduced the City's water supply and prompted the implementation of mandatory water restrictions, recent rainfall and snow levels have replenished our water supply and reduced state requirements for conservation. The outlook for 2023 is positive and there is sufficient water supply to meet or exceed the needs of Yuba City residents and businesses.

  • Please remember, excessive water waste is still a water violation, including:
    • Irrigation within 48 hours after rainfall
    • Excessive watering resulting in gutter flooding
    • Using a hose without a shutoff nozzle
    • Washing down hard surfaces such as sidewalks and driveways
    • Using a non-recirculating fountain
    • Not repairing leaks in a timely manner

For further information or assistance, please contact the Public Works Department at (530) 822-4626 or [email protected], or submit a request via the City’s yc311 online customer service system and app. Additional resources are linked below:

Resources:       Water Supply Outlook 2023 Council Item
                         Water-Efficient Rebates
                         Cellular Meter Water Use Tracking
                         Water Shortage Contingency Plan

Thank you for your water conservation efforts!