Yuba City Police Department Targets Speeders in Neighborhoods Neighborhood Speed Awareness Program
(Yuba City) – Yuba City Police Department is focusing on speeding drivers in Yuba City neighborhoods through the Neighborhood Speed Awareness Program. The Neighborhood Speed Awareness (NSA) Program was designed to reduce speed in residential neighborhoods through a combination of education and enforcement. The program offers an alternative to court fines for speed violations in residential areas.
Violators cited under this program attend a class presented by the police department designed to inform the driving public of the need for speed compliance.
Attendance in the class requires active participation by the students in an informative/interactive two hour session. Information is given to the students on braking distances, vehicle load dynamics, vehicle versus bicycle/pedestrian injuries and collision prevention techniques.
Upon completion of the class the department nullifies the citation. The program assures better driving habits through education and students are encouraged to talk to their friends/family about the class.
Drivers may choose to attend court or handle the citation in traditional manner; however this program seeks to provide an economical alternative for drivers and change behavior through education.
Speed continues to be the leading primary collision factor for collisions in the city. In 2014, unsafe speed accounted for more than 30% of injury collisions. Speeding in neighborhoods is also a leading concern for residents and deters from the quality of life in our City. The Yuba City Police Department takes speed offenses seriously. In 2014, over 900 drivers were cited for speeding. Traffic Sergeant Michael Green wants drivers to know “If you’re speeding in our neighborhoods, officers will be looking to stop and cite you.”
The NSA program targets residential streets with identified speeding problems and seeks to make our neighborhoods safer and increase the quality of life in our community.
For the month March, 2016 officers will be focusing enforcement efforts on the following residential streets:
Forbes Ave between Plumas St and Clark Ave
Bunce Rd
“This is our City and our neighborhoods, please slow down and be a responsible driver,” says Traffic Sergeant Michael Green.
For more information on the Neighborhood Speed Awareness Program, please call the Yuba City Police Department Traffic Education and Enforcement Office at 530-822-4795.