Yuba City Police Department
Serving Yuba City
since 1908
Yuba City Police Department
Crime Tip

Crime Tip or Informational Tip

If this Tip is an emergency CALL 911

The Yuba City Police Department has created this online form to allow persons to provide anonymous or confidential tips or information to the police department. In doing so, you are only providing investigative tips, not making an official report. 

The below form has some required entries (those marked with an *). All others fields are optional. If you wish to report this tip over the phone,  you can call our Anonymous Tip Line at (530) 822-2026. If the incident is occurring now, you can call our dispatch center at (530) 822-4660 and still remain anonymous.

Crime Tip Form

Tip Type:


If this is related to a school which one?


When did this occur?


How often does this occur?


Where did this occur?
Please be as specific as you can, an address would be greatly appreciated.


What happened?
Please be as specific as you can.


Describe the person(s) involved if any?
Please be as specific as you can; names, addresses, etc.


Describe the vehicle(s) involved if any?
Please be as specific as you can; color, make, model, year, etc.

The following information about yourself is OPTIONAL, you can submit the tip anonymously without identifying yourself. There is a distinction between anonymous and confidential. In the case of anonymous we will be unable to clarify information that might be vital to our investigation because we would have no way of determining who sent the tip. However, being confidential and supplying your contact information would assist us greatly should we need further or clarifying information. We can, in most cases that end up in court, keep your information confidential and we will never divulge your information unless ordered to do so by a court.

Full Name

Email Address


Best time to contact you

The Yuba City Police Department takes all tips seriously. Tipsters should also take submitting tips seriously considering the resources of the police department that could be expended in following a tip to the conclusion. Submitting false or intentionally misleading information could result in criminal or civil liability. Please check the box below to agree with the following statement. If you don't agree then your tip cannot be submitted online.

*The tip that I'm submitting through this web page is truthful and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

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