Many employment opportunities require applicants to submit their fingerprints to state and federal agencies for clearances. The Yuba City Police Department offers fingerprinting services to the public in such instances as part of its Records Unit responsibilities. The department operates a
"Live Scan" fingerprint transmission center connected to the California Department of Justice as well as maintains the capability to provide Rolled Ink Fingerprint Cards.
Fee Schedule
$21.00 - Department Processing Fee
$32.00 - California Department of Justice Fee (State Mandate)
$17.00 - FBI Fee (Federal Mandate)
*Additional Fees may also be applicable
Fingerprinting Fees are payable in cash or credit card
For appointments call (530) 822-2064
Fingerprints - What you need to know Live Scan Form Help / Example
Please visit the links above for Fingerprinting questions. Should you need further assistance contact the Records Unit at (530) 822-2064 Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Excluding Holidays).

Live Scan fingerprint process.